White House Hill Trig Point
169m Bracket S3534 Alnwick

White House Hill Trig Point

Trig Point In Alnwick, Northumberland

This is the trig point for White House Hill (169m) near Alnwick.

Height - 169m // Bracket - S3534 // Postcode - NE66 2LW

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This is the White House Hill trig point (169m) sitting north of Hulne Park in Alnwick.

From the parking head towards White House Farm and just before the building there will be a permissive path heading north. There is a track earlier which takes you through the trees, but then you will have to head over the firetrack to meet up with the other track.

When you get to the fence, this is no longer permissive land, so please ask permission before you head up to the trig point. Turn east at the fence and then hugit as it turns north. You should then see the trig point.

Just follow this map, or find it on OS Maps. It's 1km and 83m of ascent.

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Thanks to Paul Allinson for all the photos and information for this one.

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How To Find White House Hill Trig Point

Where Is White House Hill Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.454056, -1.7465806

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Where To Park For White House Hill Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.448402, 55.448402

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Leaving the B6346 sign posted White House, find a space off road near the woodland.

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