The Grun Trig Point
516m Bracket S7909 Kielder

The Grun Trig Point

Trig Point In Kielder, Northumberland

This is the trig point for The Grun (516m) near Kielder.

Height - 516m // Bracket - S7909 // Postcode - NE48 1EU

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This is The Grun point (516m) sitting on top of Grey Mares Knowe in between Kielder Water and Catcleugh Reservoir. This one is a canny hike, so get your walking boots on.

The best place to start is from Catcleugh Reservoir. Park in the big layby just before the straight edge of the reservoir and then follow that edge until you meet up with a permissive path.

This path will take you up onto Girdle Fell and where the path splits, follow the right route past White Crags Trig Point, up onto Limestone Knowe and then to The Grun Trig Point on to of Gray Mares Knowe.

Just follow this map, or find it on OS Maps. It's neary 12km to just get there with 362m ascent.

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Thanks to Michael Alexander for all the photos and information for this one.

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How To Find The Grun Trig Point

Where Is The Grun Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.296068, -2.5266319

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Where To Park For The Grun Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.32289, 55.32289

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There is a big layby on the A68 which is just a short way from the path at Catcleugh Reservoir.

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