Midhopelaw Pike Trig Point
Trig Point In Bellingham, Northumberland
This is the trig point for Midhopelaw Pike (326m) near Bellingham.
Height - 326m // Bracket - S6628 // Postcode - NE48 2JA
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Login To Bag TrigsThis is the Midhopelaw Pike trig point (326m) in between Bellingham and Kielder.
It's just over 1km walk from the parking area and here is a handy map to follow.
Follow this map, or find it on OS Maps.
Thanks to Glen Harrison for the photos and information.
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Login To Bag TrigsHow To Find Midhopelaw Pike Trig Point
Where Is Midhopelaw Pike Trig Point?
Lat / Long
55.178041, -2.2778777
What three words
Where To Park For Midhopelaw Pike Trig Point?
Lat / Long
55.186813, 55.186813
What three words
There is a chunky layby at the junction to park your car.
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