Mickley Trig Point
206m Bracket S4094 Prudhoe

Mickley Trig Point

Trig Point In Prudhoe, Northumberland

This is the trig point for Mickley (206m) near Prudhoe.

Height - 206m// Bracket - S4094 // Postcode - NE43 7LU

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This is the Mickley trig point (206m) near Prudhoe.

From the parking area just walk 300m NE along the road until you come to a gate and you will see the trig point in the field next to the fence line.

This is on private land so please check permisson first. When I visited I spoke to a farmer and I think he was from Mickley Moor Farm.

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Thanks for Glen Harrison for the photos and information.

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How To Find Mickley Trig Point

Where Is Mickley Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

54.945982, -1.8700369

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Where To Park For Mickley Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

54.944575, 54.944575

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There is a little parking area next to a covered reservoir.

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