Hedley Hill Trig Point
147m Bracket S3691 Longhorsely

Hedley Hill Trig Point

Trig Point In Longhorsely, Northumberland

This is the trig point for Hedley Hill (147m) near Longhorsely.

Height - 147m// Bracket - S3691 // Postcode - NULL

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This is the Hedley Hill trig point (147m) just north of Longhorsely.

As this trig point is on the A697, a very busy road, then finding a place to park and walk can be a bit tricky. Some have mentioned parking near the telecom mast and heading through the little gate at the side of the house.

A safer option may be to mark on the little tarmacced area to the south of the trig, head over the style and then walk in the field hugging the road north.

Just follow this map, or find it on OS Maps. Around 250m to the trig point and 11m of ascent.

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Thanks to Paul Allinson for all the photos and information for this one.

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How To Find Hedley Hill Trig Point

Where Is Hedley Hill Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.263358, -1.7764804

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Where To Park For Hedley Hill Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.261522, 55.261522

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Difficult one for parking as this is on the A697 which is a busy road. There is a little tarmacced area south of the trig next to a style.

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