Freemanshill Moor Trig Point
251m Bracket S3571 Edlingham

Freemanshill Moor Trig Point

Trig Point In Edlingham, Northumberland

The trig point sitting on top of Freemanshill Moor in Edlingham (251m).

Height - 251m // Bracket - S3571 // Postcode -

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This is the trig point sitting on top of Freemanshill Moor (251m) in Edlingham near Alnwick.

To get here park at the gate on the service road to the Post Office radio mast, but make sure you car is well off the road. Then follow the track up to the tower, then head over to the moor to the trig point. Around 1.3km.

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Thanks to Pete McNaughton for the pictures and why not join him for a virtual bagging of this trig point.

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How To Find Freemanshill Moor Trig Point

Where Is Freemanshill Moor Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.378113, -1.778578

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Where To Park For Freemanshill Moor Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.390457, 55.390457

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Park near the gates to the road up to the radio mast. Make sure you car is as much off the road as possible.

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