Fourlaws Hill Trig Point
343m Bracket S6629 Ridsdale

Fourlaws Hill Trig Point

Trig Point In Ridsdale, Northumberland

This is the trig point for Fourlaws Hill (343m) near Ridsdale.

Height - 343m // Bracket - S6629 // Postcode - NULL

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The past trig points I have bagged have been at the top of hills or on open moor land, although sometimes a canny trek to get to. But this was my first foray into a bit of a treasure hunt for a trig point in the middle of a forest.

Fourlaws Hill Trig Point is up near Ridsdale and my plan was to quickly bag it and then wander over to the Great Wanney Crag. That didn't go to plan as I spent over an hour and 6km trying to locate the trig point.

It's a cinch if you know where to go so here are some directions to help. From the parking area head past the barriers and in 100m look out for a little stone in the grass on the right side of the path.

You can see a faint path through the heather and into the forest. Then just head in a straight line all the way to the trig point. There is a discernible route all the way through the trees.

It's only around 400m from the car to the trig. Then just follow the same route back out. Here is a map if you need it.

Just follow this route, or find it on OS Maps.

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I did end up wandering the whole perimeter of the forest and making a few forays in when I thought I could see a path. I did find a squirrel and a cairn!

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How To Find Fourlaws Hill Trig Point

Where Is Fourlaws Hill Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.147269, -2.1381972

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Where To Park For Fourlaws Hill Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.147787, 55.147787

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There is a little parking area just past the mobile mast.

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