East Hill Trig Point
187m Bracket S3557 Ingram

East Hill Trig Point

Trig Point In Ingram, Northumberland

This is the trig point for East Hill (187m) near Ingram.

Height - 187m// Bracket - S3557 // Postcode - NULL

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This is the East Hill trig point (187m) sitting near Brandon in Ingram Valley.

Fron the parking, follow the road back east then head north towards a copse known as Brandon Dean. Follow the path through there and then head towards the radio mast as the East Hill Trig Point is right next to it.

The trig point is on private land, so please ask permission, most likely from the farm next to the parking area.

Just follow this map, or find it on OS Maps. 2km to get to the trig and 91m of ascent.

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Thanks to Paul Allinson for all the photos and information for this one.

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How To Find East Hill Trig Point

Where Is East Hill Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.456678, -1.9283425

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Where To Park For East Hill Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.446812, 55.446812

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Park where the road bends near Brandon. Parking is also marked on OS Maps.

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