Coldtown Beacon Trig Point
366m Bracket S6634 Otterburn Ranges

Coldtown Beacon Trig Point

Trig Point In Otterburn Ranges, Northumberland

This is the trig point for Coldtown Beacon (366m) near Bellingham.

Height - 366m// Bracket - S6634 // Postcode - NULL

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This is the Coldtown Beacon trig point (366m) that sits up on the Otterburn Ranges near Bellingham.

Please note that this area is a MOD firing area, however access is allowed to the ranges on non-firing days. Please check the Otterburn Ranges timetable.

From the parking area, stick to the road heading south east and then it's just a short trip up to the trig point.

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Thanks to Glen Harrison for the photos and information.

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How To Find Coldtown Beacon Trig Point

Where Is Coldtown Beacon Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.186176, -2.2143917

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Where To Park For Coldtown Beacon Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.186705, 55.186705

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Park in the little layby just north of the trig point.

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