Blakeman's Law Trig Point
274m Bracket S7377 Otterburn

Blakeman's Law

Trig Point In Otterburn, Northumberland

The trig point sitting on top of Blackman's Law (274m) near Otterburn.

Height - 274m // Bracket - S7377 // Postcode -

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This is the trig point sitting on top of Blakeman's Law (274m) just on the outskirts of the Otterburn Ranges near Rochester.

Another pretty easy one to get to as you park the car just off the road and it's only 200m of walking to bag this trig point. Once done, just continue up the same road and you will arrive at Branshaw Trig Point.

I don't even know if this warrants a map, but here goes.

When heading back towards the car walk straight over on the path and this will take you to the Shittleheugh Bastle if you fancy it.

Just follow this map, or find it on OS Maps.

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Thanks to Lorraine London for the photos and information.

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How To Find Blakeman's Law Trig Point

Where Is Blakeman's Law Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.25411, -2.200545

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Where To Park For Blakeman's Law Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.253733, 55.253733

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Just park on the grassy verge near to the trig point which is only 200m away.

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