Birk Hill Trig Point
230m Bracket S6624 Stonehaugh

Birk Hill Trig Point

Trig Point In Stonehaugh, Northumberland

This is the trig point for Birk Hill (230m) near Stonehaugh.

Height - 230m// Bracket - S6624 // Postcode - NE48 3DZ

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This is the Birk Hill trig point (230m) in Stonehaugh.

From the parking area follow the road west and then north until you come to a crossroads. turn east and then follow the permissive path up the west side of the trees before heading into the woods. Then head south east until you get to the trig point.

Just follow this map, or find it on OS Maps. Just over 1.25km and 49m of climbing.

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Thanks to Jeff Hall for all the photos and information for this one.

Don't forget to check out the Stonehaugh Totem Poles which are right next to the car park.

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How To Find Birk Hill Trig Point

Where Is Birk Hill Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.086373, -2.3324324

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Where To Park For Birk Hill Trig Point?

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Lat / Long

55.079601, 55.079601

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Park in the Stonehaugh Warksburn picnic area car park.

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